Wednesday, April 15, 2009

coolest toy book. EVER

Creative play for your toddler : Steiner Waldorf expertise and toy projects for 2 - 4s / Christopher Clouder and Janni Nicol.
by Clouder, Christopher.
View full image
London : Gaia, 2008.
Call #:
649.51 Cloud
Clouder, Christopher.
Nicol, Janni.

I made a project from it. It took a while, I will not lie. But Odin really likes it. I have plans to to try others too, all the supplies purchased. Now just need to channel the craftiness.
I gave him the pony in his Easter basket and he has been entranced with it. He saw me sewing the mane and tail on, so he knows I made it, and maybe that is why he likes it.. Or maybe he likes it's intrinsic handmade look.
It is a really cool book.


  1. Coolest Stuffed horse EVER!!! I'm way impressed. Good job channeling your inner crafty-ness!
