Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pictures in no real order

I'm not sure where he is going with this one.

Light painting a unicorn (with a penlight)

Another go at it, with a sparkler

During our visit with Grandma and Grandpa Slyter. Auntie Jamie was playing around with her new camera.

Hey Buddy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014


The theme to my days lately is photography. I am still editing pictures from Hans and Julie's wedding. Today I did a shoot for another friend.We were by the river and I couldn't resist taking one for myself.

One of the images I worked on today.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Good people, fun times

We did a lot of living last weekend; Beth came for a visit, we went to a wedding (I was the photographer), woke up early on Sunday to go rafting and hardly stopped smiling the whole time.
The dress code for the wedding rehearsal was "over the top"

DSLR self portrait.

A rogue horse kept on photobombing

 We met up with our rafting club on Sunday morning at the Tieton River. It is a fast run, not many eddies and somewhat narrow. We left Odin with friends for the day and got to just play. Beth brought her wetsuit for the trip, I am sure it took up at least 2/3 of her suitcase. Scott (John's coworker) also joined us. We pulled the oar frame off the boat and ran it with John as paddle captain. It was his first time in that role, and he did a great job.
The same rogue horse followed us to the river
I'm not sure what Freki thought of this trip

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Using the backhoe to move a large rock

Odin standing on the rock we moved
We spent our weekend with friends. Sleeping on their floor and helping them get ready for their treehouse open house. They have been building this treehouse for the last year, that they designed themselves.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Third Grade

Summer ended quickly, just like it has every other year. We packed more fun into the second half of summer than we did in the first, trying to get all of our adventures in. There were dinners with friends, days on the lake, more dinners with friends. And then, September crept in.

Odin was excited for his first day of school. Somehow I forgot to take a picture in the morning, but we did a few after coming home.