Sunday, January 26, 2014


Odin made pancakes for breakfast today, all by himself. While he was getting started, John and I were still in bed, and Odin would shout questions to me. It was not the most restful, but I wasn't sleeping. John asked why I didn't just get up and help him. I stayed in our room until I was sure Odin was mostly done with the batter. Knowing that he would give up if I entered too soon, I waited. And I am glad that I did. Odin did a fantastic job. Washing his hands after cracking the eggs in to the bowl. Putting the eggshells into the compost bin. He did it all. And correctly! They were the tastiest pancakes ever.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lately . . .

Our tree was not up that long, but it was pretty.
Wearing out holiday finest, oh wait. . . 

On the way to Aurora MN, we stopped at Jenny's house overnight. 
Tropical drinks do not make it any warmer outside.
At Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We braved the cold to go sledding. Did I say that it was cold? It was.

I am wearing too many jackets to be attractive, but not enough to be warm.