Sunday, July 27, 2014

Horsing around

It is nearly August, and soon, the summer routine will shift into the school year routine. I will be ready for it when it comes. Not because I want summer to be over, but because I love the balance of the seasons, and the opportunities each one brings.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

it's so hot . . .

The grocery store was out of ice. OUT OF ICE!
Thankfully they still had ice cream and popsicles. We bought both.
We are on day seven of temps over 80. We are set to break the record for consecutive days over 85 degrees set in the 60's (and then again in the late 70's).

I find myself hoping that there will be a marine layer in the mornings. No luck today, but maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hot Hot Hot

It has been hot in Oly recently. In the high 80's and the forecast calls for the 90's even. When you work outside, that is a long, sweaty day. The other day, a friend told me about a (secret) lake nearby with public access. We decided to take the raft out and have our own private island. It was so refreshing. I think we will be back again. . .

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pure Michigan

For a few years, I have been hearing about the fireworks show that my dad and brother-in-law put on. This year, Odin and I were able to come and see it for ourselves. We spent a week in Michigan, visiting grandma and grandpa and Auntie Jamie and Uncle Matt.
There was some pool time

Some Convertible time
Some visiting with Jen time
We've been friends since 2nd grade (and always will be)
Candle cooked s'mores time

And we still had time for fireworks

And bunches of other really great things.