Monday, November 23, 2015


My chicken, Wi, started her modeling career with the Much Ado about Cluckin' 2016 Calendar. (She's a cowboy).

 What do you do when you find out you and your friend have the same dress in different colors? A prom-esque photo shoot. It was not warm outside. 

 Our friend Jason came for a visit and met the horses. 

Near the beginning of the month we had our first big storm of the winter. In five days it rained over nine inches. The house did great, and the low spot in the pasture turned into a temporary lake.   Six pairs of mallards found it immediately, I wonder where they are now that the lake is gone.
During a brief break in the rain it looked so lovely.

We gutted a bathroom. It is almost ready to be put back together (with all new parts), but time is conspiring against us. It is painted now- bye bye yellow!

Monday, November 2, 2015


The RV got into the Halloween Spirit this year.
We went dressed as most of the suspects in the game Clue.

Freki didn't want to be left out.

He couldn't decide which costume he liked best.
Trick or Treating!

Autumn things

 Last week Odin and I went on an impromptu hike after school. The big leaf maples were shedding leaves like crazy.
It was ideal leaf fight weather.
 Before mowing last time I raked a bunch of leaves onto a tarp. I thought we might run out of leaves to play in if I ground them all up. We did not run out of leaves, and I still have a pile of now wet leaves in a tarp.

Goodbye Jack o'Lantern