Thursday, October 22, 2009


After school today Odin and I made pumpkin cookies with frosting. He insisted that the frosting (maple, powdered sugar) be orange. As we were waiting for the last batch to come out of the oven I distinctly heard five gongs on the clock, it's dinner time what are we going to eat. (?)
Just then the doorbell rings, Odin and Sampson both start barking and running down to the door. It is our Neighbor (the best in the world) with dinner (taco soup and cornbread). How wonderful.
We ring her bell moments later with a couple of our pumpkin cookies fresh from the oven and just frosted.
Dinner was delicious!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Snow/Leaf pile

Last Saturday it snowed, about 4". It stuck to the ground but not the roads. It also made all the (green) leaves fall off the trees. Not much color this year. We are having a blast in our leafy snow pile. The pile got to impressive heights this year, thanks to Odin's new rake. And thanks to townhouse living we can leave our pile all week and play in it each day! I keep thinking the leaves will get vacuumed up soon, but not yet.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Opples and Bononos

Before the snow came (this morning) we made it out to the orchard to pick apples and pumpkins. We fed the chickens, the turkeys (briefly, Odin thought them impolite), the miniature donkey and ran with the dogs. This year he rode in the wagon more than he pulled it and hardly sat still the the obligatory photo op.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Camera Photos

It's no iphone, but I recently got a new phone. It has one of those fancy cameras in it. And thanks to overstock, I got a tiny little card for it. Here are a few from the new device. Thanks Jenny for telling me how to do it!

in the chicken coop at the MN zoo.

At the County Fair, he asked me to take his picture by the tire - That is why it is so sharp, he stood still.

A "hike" at a local park

Fall walk