Friday, January 23, 2009

Food rut- no more

It is not uncommon for me to be in a food rut this time of year. Not so much in the summer when our CSA is in full swing and we NEED to eat our body weight in vegetables each week or where will we put this week's bounty(?)! No, I mean in the late fall when the apples are gone, the potatoes are all starch and beans and cheese sound good for dinner, again. That is prime food rut territory for me. I typically cycle through about 5 dinners week after week. It works out fine, we eat, but it does get a bit. . . dreary.
Something different happened this year. After returning form Michigan I have been on a new recipe binge. Recipes that I have wanted to try for year and food blogs and just my old standby, The Joy of Cooking have been fueling this trend. It helps that we had company for a few weekends and I like to try new recipes with company. I have even been pretty inventive, kabobs grilled on the pannini press, wonderful! Angel food cake with some (dreadfully old) frozen peaches made into a quick syrup, delightful. I have been enjoying not just eating the foods but preparing has been fun also.
So we have been living "high on the hog" (hardly eating meat) a few weeks now, and I enjoy it, but wonder if I will find that come summer I weigh over 900 pounds. We go to the Y almost daily, so activity is not a problem . . . But dessert might be. Recently made : Boston Cream Pie, Lime bars, Angel Food cake with Peach syrup, Almond Butter Chocolate cake with Chocolate Ganache, Ameretto souffle, and that is just in the last three weeks!

1 comment:

  1. That is ridiculous and I want to eat all of it. Yummmmmy.
    Odin is looking more adorable each year older he gets.
