Friday, October 4, 2013

That giant orb in the sky

The sun came out today for hours. From late morning until sunset it was beautifully clear, and the sun's warmth brightened much more than my mood. For the past week, it has been raining, and grey. We have had a few lovely sun breaks, but mostly, it's been a bit blah.

Today I was fortunate enough to spend most of the day in the sun. As I sit and write this, my cheeks feel flushed like I got a tinge too much delicious sunshine. I rode today in the late afternoon light.The long shadows were streaking through the trees and my horse's hooves crunched through the leaves. It was the kind of afternoon that reminds me that time is precious and we much choose how we want to spend it.

I so love the change of seasons. In each season there are days when I think, yes, this is my favorite time of year. There are parts of each that are my favorite. But mostly I like the newness of each, and the transition into the next.

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