Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fund Run

Both Kindergarten classes with the McKenny Hawk

Odin's school did a neat fundraiser today. The students participated in a "Fund Run". They gathered pledges from family, neighbors and the like either for a one time donation or a per lap amount. Great planning on the school's part as today the only day this week with even a glimmer if sun in the forecast. The sun came out just before he got on the bus and it stayed sunny for most of the run. I went to cheer on the runners and stood next to the principal and rang my bell. I commented to him that I thought it was a great fundraiser for the kids to participate in because they are actually doing something. Talking to the principal I learned that there is a running initiative at the school. They log students laps around the track and have different incentives for when milestones are met. Students have opportunities to run at recess time and possibly during Phys Ed.

Earlier in the week I asked Odin what his lap goal was. He answered "fifteen". When the runners were called off the track he had run ten laps or about two miles.
Post run pretzels and water with classmates

lap tracker

1 comment:

  1. Geez, he looks old. Two mikes is astounding. Great job Odin! Very cool fundraising idea.
