Monday, July 11, 2011

Cherries, Cherries, Cherries

Over the weekend we went cherry picking with another couple and their kiddos, we did some camping, some picking and some canning. It is hard to say how much we picked, but we guess in total it was about 120 pounds. Lots were canned, frozen and dried. We even gave some away. My freezer is half full of frozen cherries. Please share you favorite recipes with me!

We all had picking sacks held up with suspenders, they worked great!

Odin really wanted to use the ladders, but he only got to use Dad's shoulders

Our haul loaded on the picnic table

Canning on a camp stove is easier than I thought

Canned whole cherries, brandy cherries, and cherry jam


  1. Looks like everyone's getting handmade goods for christmas...I would like to put in an order right now for Cherry infused Vodka please. - Girl

  2. That's crazy. Looks like a blast!
