Sunday, June 5, 2011


We spent the long weekend camping in the mountains with some of John's co-workers and had a marvelous time.
Many of the people we were out with were rafters (they camp with the kitchen sink)... Unlike us lowly canoe campers where space is an issue. . . We brought our single burner MSR whisperlite stove, they had freestanding dual burner propane stoves hooked up to 5gal propane tanks.  Mind you we were car camping so space was only as limiting as our car. But still.

So, the other morning I cooked breakfast (cinnamon rolls) on our campstove because I was beginning to feel very self conscious of my camp cooking skills.  It turned out great. I would like to practice more before I hit the trail with it, but I think after a few more trips I may be able to run with the big boys. On Friday night I cooked my pizza on the campstove... Great results!

Anyway back to the weekend. The campground was at around 2300 feet and the snow had just melted last week. There were two rivers surrounding the campground and they were both flowing high and fast. John and I did a short run on Sunday - it was the rowdiest continuous section of river we have done in our canoe. We had the spray cover on and we still had to pull out twice to bail. Thankfully Odin decided to play with the kids instead of run it with us.

10 feet from our protected put in

One of our stop and bail spots
 We all needed that kind of weekend. Odin was so excited to just runs and play in the woods. He fell asleep in the Jeep on the way home. In my book that's the judge of a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Is the dog in that last picture as big as it looks? It looks huge!
