Thursday, June 16, 2011

Backyard visitor

A while ago I overheard John and Odin talking about raccoon poop. (Yes scat is the theme for this post, if you care not to read on I will understand.) I had no idea why they were discussing the topic until two days ago. It seems a raccoon has chosen the base of the pine tree in our backyard to set up its latrine. Raccoons, I have learned will use one specific area over and over and said area is referred to as a 'latrine'.  How did I figure all this out you may wonder. Two days ago I picked up what I thought was a pile of raccoon scat only to find it was six or seven piles all stacked on top of each other - tasty, no?  Odin and I covered the area with leaves and sticks so we would konw to avoid it.  But then yesterday I noticed there was a pile on top of the leaves. 
So naturally last night I googled raccoon poop and learned me a thing or two.But what I really want to know is why does a raccoon climb a tree to get over our roughly 5.5 foot fence just to leave his mark? Does he (or she) enjoy the privacy? Maybe he/she enjoys the nice soft carpet of moss.
I think I don't really care why, I JUST WANT IT TO STOP PLEASE!

X marks the spot
another view of the back yard

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Poop aside, your backyard is very lovely! Why do creatures pick your house as their latrine? I still recall the amount of rabbit pellets on your back porch after the snow melt. Try not to take it personally!
