Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I think we have fooled everyone for long enough. We are not practical people. It is a pretty good act, but sometimes we let our guard down and well . . .

Yes, folks, a 3rd car. Fritz is a 1987 Mercedes 300TD (turbo diesel). No we are not planning to sell the Jeep or Volvo. No, it does not make much sense. But we are just shy of giddy. Super random factoid, all three of our vehicles are inline engines.. No V's at our house!

Long range plans? There is talk about a WVO conversion. That would make him even rad-er (if possible).

Now you may commence in the judgment passing and shaking of thine head.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random Saturday

Today Odin figured how to operate the pocket camera. He ran, squealing, around the house taking pictures. Digital cameras are great. Especially if they are water, impact, and generally speaking, preschooler resistant.

It was also the big fundraiser dinner for our CSA farm. I stayed home as I was having issues with a particular muscle in my back. John and Odin went to represent the family. Dinner was eaten, fun was had.

What Odin does in the car

There was no sleeping in the car, the whole ride home, unless you count THE LAST 10 MINUTES!

From being company to having company

The day after Odin and I returned home, my aunt Louise came for a visit. I knew before we made plans to go to Michigan that she was coming in on Wednesday, and was not worried. It made me empty the car out and get thing put away efficiently. She stayed with us a few days before judging a horse show in Lake Elmo, about 30 miles away from us. She has been able to take a show here for the past three summers! We love being able to see her on our turf.
On Saturday we all went out for a lovely dinner, played at a playground and had ice cream. A lovely time for all!

Odin and Louise working on their computers.

Strawberry Season

Now the goodness of summer begins, picking berries in 90 degree weather! Last week it was HOT HOT HOT here. We did something outside each day, but some days our excursions were very brief. Monday we picked strawberries with Jenny, Laura and baby Adam. Brought home 6 pounds. Made about half into jam and the other half was devoured - mmmmmm strawberry shortcake! Some berries made it to the freezer, but lots ended up on cereal. Odin and I went back on Friday morning for another 4.5 pounds. I tried my hand at fruit leather in the oven. We ate half of it this morning, it is very tasty but it spread it way too thin. I think fruit leather is somethign that I am OK with buying, at least for now. It was a lot of time and energy to make it, and we ate the equilevant of 1/2 puound of berries in a morning!

Michigan vacation

We had a great trip to Michigan. The weather was very nice, fun days in the pool, also nice days for other fun adventures. Odin even helped buy and plant some tomato plants for Grandma.
It was a great visit. We celebrated Fathers Day a week early, Jamie did a lovely party for dad - with a bit of a terrible necktie theme. A long long time friend of mine and her daughter rode home (partway) with us, then let us stay with them. It made the drive downright enjoyable.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Travels with Preschooler

Odin is by many definitions a traveler. He thrives on new environs, being out exploring, doing... And luckily for him, we do a fair amount. Currently we are on our way to Michigan to see my family. It is about a 11 or so hour drive that we do in two days now. Especially when it is just he and I. We have a pretty good routine. There is a hotel in Rockford Il we stay in with a pool and nice breakfast. We are usually here in time to swim, shower, eat, etc before bed. It works out well, and I enjoy it. By the time the second day comes, I am rested and stretched out from the previous day.
However this trip (in my head at least) offered new challenges. You see it is the first big one that Odin is no longer wearing diapers. Yes we were in the BWCA two weekends ago, but that did not involve car seats, highways, and the greater Chicago area.
I am happy to report that today went great! Aside from a few tense negotiations at a rest stop involving refusal to use an autoflush toilet (can you imagine if it were a standing loo?) the trip went just like any other.
Lets just hope my typing praise does not somehow change the rest of our trip.

Color me impressed

Odin and I took a class on Monday at the Zoo. Free play time, singing, exploration, animal visitors and that sort. We met Zoe, a rabbit and Slinky, a blue tongued skink, both very interesting and very different. But most exciting, to me, was Odin's craft project that he WROTE HIS NAME ON! I mean for real all by himself, no guide to look at.. all from memory. Impressed, and proud.
here is the front side, pretty nice also!