Thursday, February 26, 2009

Difference in a day

Big storm hit around noon today. Dropped about 6" of snow in less than three hours. Picking Odin up from school took a bit longer than usual. Cars were stopped on uphill sections of road.

When we got home I suited Odin up and we shoveled and pushed neighbors out and played for well over an hour. Wish I had my camera while we were outside.. It was nice to have warm snow to play in.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thanks Jenny!

for letting us borrow the sit and spin. it's a big hit.


It has been warmer recently so we have more entertainment options.. Came across a winner yesterday. Our deck is completely enclosed and about 12x14 feet.. Sliding door into the kitchen. There is some snow on our deck and I let him play with a few trucks while I was making dinner. We both loved it.
It is also how I am adding this post.

Like Father. . .

For the past many years John's parents have given us lift tickets to John's hometown ski hill (best I've been to in MN) Giants Ridge. Now it is a double gift for John and I. We come up for a visit and have a day to do our own thing while Odin gets some Grandparent time. Win win in my book.
We cashed in last weekend and had a lovely time. Auntie Teresa and Adam came up on Saturday and we all ski/snowboarded together. Odin got to come up in the afternoon and then was whisked back home, wonderful.
This was Odin's 3rd time out skiing and he did quite well. I have no reference point but he was enjoying it and made two runs off of the chairlift with John ( of course after a warm up on the bunny hill). He is still between our skis but did a bit skiing toward John (who was backwards). Pretty sweet to watch.

I found a new pair of snowpants for him recently. They have yellow and blue on the knees and John thinks they make Odin look like a mogul skier - can't wait.

On the last run John took Odin through the trees a bit. I should have expected it but as I skied past, I heard a little voice saying " more trees dad, lest go through more trees".

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Confirmation . . . Jerk

So after my rant last night, I realized that there history with behavior like this. Fever last week, cold, completely irritable, could it be an ear infection?
After a trying morning, I called to make an appointment for today, they had a 7:00pm. I took it fearing the cure might be worse than the malady. He did great despite the late hour. Yup- dual ear infections. He is now on the road to recovery (and my sanity) and sleeping.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monster in the afternoons

It has been a LONG time since Odin took a nap. He was around 18 months old.. Ancient history. But man, lately, I think he almost needs one. In the interest of full disclosure, he has not been feeling well, but really all the banging, slamming and hit/scratch/biting?
This afternoon (after a wonderful day at the Zoo) he was at it again, and after the third time out, I packed him in the car and we went to drop some books off at the library. Driving made him feel better, so I thought why not the hardware store too? No problem. Coming home he wanted to take the highway, then didn't. Then didn't want to be home.. He would not get out of the car, so I let him stay in while talking to my dad on the phone. What do you know he fell asleep, just sitting in the driveway, moments after having a (yelling) conversation with me.

A little bit later, 10 minutes maybe, I picked him up and thought he would continue his nap, but NOPE! Wide awake.

I really hope this does not last too much longer.

Bad day for snowmen

This was last weekend.. All of our snow is gone now ~ it RAINED today.