Saturday, September 8, 2012


The other day as I was waiting for the overdue school bus to arrive I thought it would be great to ride bikes to school with Odin. So I decided on the spot that we could ride on Fridays if Odin wanted to. (I am pretty sure we will be fair weather riders, but I'll keep you posted).  On Friday morning we hopped on our bikes and off we went. On the way to school we passed by a woman watering a garden bed. "Mom! She looks like Rachel Carson!" Odin beamed.
I am not sure who had a prouder moment, Odin, for making a connection between a book and real life, or myself - mother of a boy with a good ecology upbringing!

The ride itself was great. I escorted Odin to school locked up his bike then rode home. Later I rode to school to pick him back up. He was so excited to ride home and show off his bike to his schoolmates.

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