Thursday, August 30, 2012

Man date

Hi there, this is John.  I figured it was about time that dad added a little to the post.  So, what's a man date you ask?  Well, every couple of months myself and some of the guys from work get together for some food and drinks and then go out to a movie that our wives wouldn't really been interested in.  We took to calling it a man date.  That way when you ask for permission to go out you can say "my attendance is mandated"!  Anyway, so what does that have to do with Odin?  Well, one Saturday morning a few weekends ago Michelle got up early to go ride horse before it got too hot leaving Odin & I to fend for ourselves.  We were having some good guy time (probably doing something mom wouldn't have approved of) when Odin said "dad, it's like we're on a man date"!
So, this last Sunday Odin and I spent the day on a proper man-date.  He has been wanting to check out the Space Needle since we moved here.  We started there.
On the drive in he was afraid it wouldn't be as tall as he imagined. 
But the view did not disappoint!
 We then got some lunch and met up with our friend Mike K. at the Museum of Flight.  It was a good days worth of guy time!

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