Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ski RV

We finally took the RV skiing last weekend. We went for one night and one day of skiing. We all had a great time. There was lots of playing in the snow, skiing and fun fun fun. I think it will work out well.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Winter assembly

On Thursday Odin's school had a winter assembly for the k-3rd grades.Odin's class together with the other kindergarten class sang Peace like a river and Jingle bells. It was really sweet.
They have been practicing pretty much since school started each week in music class.

Do you see him?

Cookie Painting

Thanks to Jenny for the great idea! Egg yolk painting. Yesterday I cut out a few cookies for Odin to paint with egg yolks mixed with food coloring. He loved it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hey Santa

 Dear Santa
I have tried to be very good this year. This year I would like an electric train set tool set and maybe Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots.
We met Santa at a tree lighting ceremony. He arrived on a fire truck! When Santa asked Odin if he had been good, Odin got all serious and said " I have tried". Santa smiled and replied " Well that is all I can ask for". Very sweet.

Merry Merry

You hear it all the time. Murmur about time passing by too quickly. It feels like last weekend when everyone was here for Thanksgiving. Now I realize that next week is Christmas! How did that happen? What have we been doing? Where is the snow?
Odin loves looking at all the lights when we are out in the evenings. We have discovered houses with dormer windows that hang wreaths can look like eyes with eyebrows.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cake Season

Fall growing up always meant one thing. Cake Season. It all starts with my sister's birthday in October. Then, a week later it is my dad's. I follow about a month later (right around Thanksgiving) and my mom sneaks in a week before Christmas.
Then I got married to a man whose birthday is 4 days after my mom's (month and day only . . . not year). Oh and then we had a son who was born eight days after John.
It truly is a season of cakes.
My mom was great when my sister and I were little. There were no recycled cakes, no multiple names on cakes, we each got our own according to our own whims.
I have come to realize (in my 33 years!) that it really is great to have a birthday near a holiday. Yes for a number of years it meant my birthday was a travel day, or Turkey day, but most years I get to be around people that I love and don't get to see as often as I would like.

My parents, sister, brother in law, and my aunt all got to celebrate with me this year and it was fantastic. My sister went all out planning a Paper Crane themed party. Complete with favors, origami paper packets and guided folding demonstrations. So so much fun. Instead of cake I requested apple pie cookies and my dad was nice enough to make them for the whole crew. I also requested turkey free meals, I like turkey, but only the kind that you buy from the deli as sandwich meat!

Thank you to everyone who helped make it a wonderful day.

Monday, December 5, 2011


It was a fantastic weekend around here. Sunny for a few hours on Saturday after the fog burned off. Then clouds rolled in again. We were able to go to a tree farm and find a Christmas tree. A very nice experience when it is not raining.

Sunday morning we got up EARLY and went skiing. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shinning all day long. It was our first day out of the season and it went great. Odin decided he was not quite ready to use his new poles. John decided that he needs a little more boot fitting done.  I think I will be happy when we take the RV (The Grand Ole Apres) and can have a hot lunch in a quiet space.
It feels strange to be waiting at the bus stop in December not wearing a hat or mittens. It also feels strange that there is no snow, unless we gain a lot of elevation. But so far it is also very nice not having to wear every coat I own just to walk to the bus stop.