Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The train

A few weeks ago Odin saw an ad with a gingerbread train kit in it. He really liked it, he liked it so much that we cut the picture out and he has been carrying it around for a few weeks. Yesterday we decided to make one. Going only from the picture, this is what we came up it.

We also made some cookies. Today I wondered why red tastes so bad. I remember it from growing up that red tasted super gross. It hasn't changed a bit. But meringue powder is still oh so lovely.


  1. Mmmmmmm...that looks delicious, now if you would only share your gingerbread recipe with the rest of us....
    and frosting recipe,

    meh..who am I kidding, I don't have time to bake, my townhouses will be sculpted from graham cracker and instant frosting.
