Monday, November 2, 2009

Open Invitation

To the person who taught my son to put tissues in his pockets:
Please feel free to come over anytime to clean out my laundry machines and pick all the bits out of the laundry.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Shortly after Odin was born my mom gave me a Army dress uniform that had been my dad's. I had no idea what to do with it, so I had it cleaned (it was a bit musty) and hung it in Odin's closet.
A few weeks ago I had him try it on just to see if it might work for Halloween. It fit great. The pants were a little big, but the jacket was great. Now all we needed was a hat. I consulted with my mom and also a picture of my dad (and his twin brother) in the outfits and went out to find a hat. Call it what you will but I found the exact hat in the correct size at the first place I looked. It was even stamped with a date in the late 40's to match the ago of the style of uniform. And it cost $2.99. In the few weeks that past Odin kept on saying he was going to wear a union suit for Halloween. (Not to be confused with a Union Army Uniform)...

We carved pumpkins after breakfast, with some help from Grandma and Grandpa, waited around for an eternity then headed to the zoo. Last year was kind of a bust in the neighborhood trick or treating. There were very few people participating so this year we decided to try the zoo's event. It was great.

Now I am cooking down the Jack O Lanterns. We had 37 pounds of pumpkin and I think I'll get about 15 cups of pumpkin out of it. Mmmmmm pie, muffins and more!


Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.

Art wall

The house of late has been overrun with masterpieces. He brings them home for school just about everyday and also at the Y. My solution for a long time has been either:
1) a clip on the refrigerator. (the stack was 1/2" thick)
2)a paper bag under the desk in the kitchen.

I always thought I would send them to Grandmas and Grandpas, but it seldom (if ever) happened.
This is our new solution. Two art lines in his room. We had the paintings in frames before, had to keep those. The clothes lines so to speak are new and I love it.