Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fun on the Farm

Yesterday we went to our CSA farm's fund raiser (a folk dance and pig roast). The farm, Community Homestead, is a "Non-profit rural community living and working with people with special needs" http://

For us it was a great opportunity to let Odin run around on the farm and not have to cook dinner. The farm does more than just vegetables, they also have an orchard, a heard of dairy cattle (Odin loved the cattle barn), raise sheep and pigs (for meat), a full working woodshop, make paper and have a full bakery.

There was a big hay wagon for the kiddos to play in.. It looked like a big hit.

We literally RAN all over the farm. Did a bit of square dancing, went for a wagon ride and Odin even got to sit on a tractor! We did a little square dancing and had a blast. Odin even made his own hula hoop out of some extra PVC irrigating tubing (it was one of the kids activities).

It was past Odin's usual bed time as we were leaving and he stayed awake and happy the whole way home (about an hour). What a great summer day. . .

***For those of you not familiar a CSA is a Community Supported Agriculture farm. You pay for a share of the farms crop. It is a win win for both farm and consumer. The farm has a guaranteed income even in poor weather years, and the consumer gets fresh local (and usually organic) produce.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

still going strong

It has been really hot lately.. And it came on very suddenly leaving me very unprepared. But we have been able to find ways to stay entertained. In case you haven't heard, Odin has stopped taking naps. It happened last fall. Some days I really miss it. There are a lot of hours to fill in a day. Yesterday we went for a hike and ended up at a playground with some friendly lady mallards. Odin was very interested in them and was really good about giving them their space.

Playing at a frineds house with the bubble jug.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here we go.

I am going to try the blog thing. I know, exciting isn't it? But don't get your hopes up too high.. I think you all know me well enough to understand that it may not last very long.
Things here are going swell. We have been out in the canoe quite a bit and it is wonderful. Odin is enjoying it (huzzah!) and stays seated surprising well for a little person that usually cannot stop moving..
I got a new camera yesterday. The elph had an unfortunate experience with a thunderstorm. Actually we all had a *nice* experience with the thunderstorm.. Last Saturday just after putting in for an overnight river trip on the St. Croix.. Storm hit, Odin was terrified (he doesn't like thunder) and the camera was sadly not in its protective zip lock bag. It got soaked. The camera and battery are both shot. Thankfully the card was still good.
So I decided a weather proof model was a sound choice.. I went with the Olympus 1030SW. It is pretty cool.

Odin has been enjoying the canoe. He has his own paddle and even puts it in the water sometimes. Last weekend he pointed out an eagle to us. Pretty cool.

He so far loves camping. And to tell you the truth by the weekend I am usually ready to leave the house!

The camera stitches together 3 (or 2) images for panoramas in camera!