Monday, February 20, 2012


This is where we spent our weekend.

This is what we did.
It started to snow on Friday night as we were driving in. Then it snowed hard all night long and all day Saturday. Odin tried out his new powder skis (John couldn't resist buying them at a ski swap) in the fresh snow. In the afternoon on Saturday Odin used his ski poles, but on Sunday he went without them again.
Sunday was a bit clearer. Snow was still great. We skied with friends and made new ones.

The RV has been working out great. This was our longest trip in it, we stayed three nights. Battery power was a bit of an issue as we were running the furnace all night and it uses a lot of juice. The rig has two solar panels. (A bit hard to see when they are covered with snow.)

John cleaned them off 3x a day to help recharge the batteries. For ski camping solar panels might not be the best solution, but we made it work.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be mine, Valentine

Odin made his own valentines again this year. This project is one my sister found last year. It was pretty easy to do and a big hit at school.
We started with this picture.

Odin wrote on it with a sharpie, then we had 40 printed.

Cut two small slits for the lollipop, and personalize with a paint marker.

The Valentines used up most of my crafty... But I did make and frost some cookies.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ski Buddies

It is amazing to me that for the past few days it has been in the 50's. Such a contrast from two weeks ago here. Maybe it is time to read the writing on the wall and stop debating who or what is causing our planet to heat us and just start addressing how to cool it back down.
Sunrise, Mt. Rainer
 We took advantage of the Sunshine and went skiing with friends over the weekend. We all had a blast. It was spring skiing in February! That never happened in Minnesota. We had a group of 5 adults and three kiddos. And for a while another dad and son joined us. It was a lovely day, and we all skied hard. The kids of course had limitless energy even after the lifts closed.