Sunday, April 28, 2013

Weekend doings

The plan for the weekend was to thatch (or is it dethatch?) the second half of the back yard and other more fun stuff. We were on our A game on Friday after dinner and got it all done. All of the offending moss was loaded onto the trailer before 9pm. That left Saturday open to dump the moss at the transfer station and play at the dog park that is next door. I took a deliciously long nap, and then we went downtown for the Procession of the Species. Freki had the best seat in the house. He was a little scared so I let him sit in my lap- it was alright with me because he was warm!

this whale was made from recycled materials

haha, gorilla piggy back ride!

There was also time this weekend for puttering around the house, putting rollers on the raft trailer, and playing games.

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