Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dog lottery

But, before I get to that I must say, Hello again! It has been quite the absence. We are all still here. And now with a furry plus one!
We decided that it was time to start looking for a new dog. New to us at least. We were looking for someone between 2-4 years old and 30-60ish pounds. I went to the shelter on Thursday morning and met this guy. I was so impressed with him that I took John back later that day. We then picked Odin up from school so he could meet him.
He came home with us on Friday! He is almost five years old. His pedigree is Blue heeler and something else, German shepherd perhaps?
We are mostly settled on the name Freki.
So far, we are all very pleased. I think he is going to be a lovely addition to the family.


  1. Hooray for the return of Michelle and for a new dog. I love his ears! Can you tell us about his name? We were guessing it had something to do with his freckles?

  2. Also, can you change the name of a dog that 5 years old?

  3. Can't wait to meet him, like the ears.

  4. He didn't seem to know his former name, Bandit. The story we are telling most people on his name is the freckles. However the real source is Norse mythology. Freki was one of Odin's wolves. Yes, we are that pun-ny.
