Monday, June 15, 2015

Busy, busy

The last month has been a whirlwind of activity. We have been working at a fast and furious pace getting the new house ready for habitation. Cleaning, priming, and painting the walls, refinishing the floors, and general clean up have been the big projects of the last two weeks.

It has been hard work that for a while showed little to no improvement. We are finally seeing some results and it is looking great!

Our bedroom wall mid- priming (it was black)
And after

After too much painting

Odin checking out one of the fields

Another field

Ripping into the floors. We used 4 rental sanders and two of our own for the project.

Sanding self portrait
Sealing the freshly sanded (and vacuumed) floor

Odin while taking 36+ pictures of John trimming the driveway.

John trimming the driveway (from the RV roof)